All Set For The Summer!

It is customary on spring days to get rid of heavy clothes, winter boots, berets and scarfs just as nature throws off winter’s weariness. However, as you wear summer clothes, you feel like you need to lose the extra weight that you put on during the winter when the dresses and pants seem ill-fitting. You get to feel depressed and fish around to find new diet ideas to start each Monday. You set yourself targets as if you are getting ready for a marathon.

Countless diet suggestions namely assorted detox juices, bizarre herbal cures, mono diets suddenly become all the rage. Plans are made for walking three days a week, running and several other trendy sports. To have the pride of losing weight on summer days and winning the marathon, this time people get ready for another marathon: gorging at all-inclusive hotels. After you went through all these diet torments, days when you literally went starved, you return home gaining more than you lost. And this vicious cycle repeats itself every season on and on. Until the next summer...yaza hazırlık
However, a sufficient and balanced diet must be a part of “Healthy Lifestyle.” Doing physical exercise, regular sleeping habits, a clear mind and a balanced energy around the family-home-work triangle form the basis of this lifestyle. Those who embraced this lifestyle will not take part in this marathon either in summer or winter. Here are some sustainable lifelong tips to help you to avoid the summer marathon:

1. Balance means everything: Understand how many calories you need daily. The only way to maintain your ideal weight is to balance calories you take from foods with the energy you consume. Balance means everything! Consult a nutritionist, if needed.
2. Enjoy your meal, but in smaller portions: Enjoy tasting delicious foods with friends or family at lunch or any other time. Eating too fast, grabbing something to bite in front of the PC or TV, or feeling obliged to eat something when the things go up-and-down for you, will eventually cause you to consume excessive calories. Check whether you are hungry or satisfied during and after a meal. Do not gorge yourself with foods.
3. Avoid bigger portions: Use smaller plates or bowls at home. Choose smaller portions when dining out. If you cannot finish your meal, you can share it with animals on the street or have it packaged for home. Always choose fruits instead of desserts. If you want to eat something sweet, you may want to share your portions with others on the table.
4. Do not skip foods that you must normally have more frequently: Consume veggies, fruits, wholegrains and dairy products more. These foods contain nutrients such as potassium, calcium, vitamin D and fiber, that your body needs to stay healthy. Try to consume these foods daily at your meals or as a snack.
5. Fill half of your plate with multicolored veggies and fruits: Look to find a diversity of colors as much as food diversity at your meals. Beet’s red, carrot’s orange, spinach’s green and cauliflower’s white will suit your plate just perfectly. Make sure to eat salad along with meats. You can consider grazing on fruit between each meal or as dessert after finishing the meal.
6. Do not underestimate the power of dairy products: Make sure to consume milk, yogurt, cheese, ayran, kefir, tzatziki at least once a day. You may prefer to consume low-fat or lactose-free dairy products after consulting with your nutritionist, if you are prone to cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol or lactose intolerance. These foods not only will help protect your digestive system, but also fortify your immune system with calcium.
7. Choose wholegrains: Eat whole-wheat bread instead of white bread, and choose brown rice or whole-wheat rice instead of white rice. Look to buy wholegrains from the grocery store or supermarket These foods will control your blood sugar and prevent you feeling hungry quickly. You will also receive many vital nutrients, from fiber to vitamin B.
8. Do not limit yourself: Try to create an awareness of consuming saturated oil, sugar and overly salted foods, and try to consume these foods less frequently. But, do not feel restricted. Treat yourself on some special days. Well, go on and enjoy a slice of your birthday cake!
9. Be careful with the amount of sodium/salt in your foods: Try not to use salt in your foods. Pickles and brined foods are high in salt. Try to avoid or just stop consuming these foods, if you have hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
10. Drink more water: If you drink one glass of water per hour, you will create a healthy routine and get more hydrated. Try to drink more water on hot days or if you are doing exerting physical exercise.


Do Not Risk Your Health With Crash Diets!

People are still confused as to how to take on sufficient and balanced nutrition and physical exercise as a lifestyle. Diets making you lose 5 kilos only in three days, suggesting to consume only proteins or even prohibiting grains and dairy products create some serious threats to your health. You have to stay away from diet and nutrition suggestions that claim to make you lose weight in a very short space of time. Here are some shocking facts about crash diets:
- Weight-reducing diets must be arranged for each individual: Energy and nutrients needed to lose weight depend on different types of bodies and individual characteristics. Different factors including age, sex, physical activity and disease/health condition have an influence over daily calorie intake. The optimum rate of weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per week. Consult a nutritionist to find the best schedule for your lifestyle, should you have any need to find out more about an optimum nutrition plan.
- Rapid loss of weight will wear down your muscles: Rapid loss of weight also means loss of muscle mass. Energy consumed by the muscles will gradually decrease and you will end up regaining more weight than you have lost.
- There is not such a thing as a sustainable nutrition routine: The most efficient way of losing weight must be dependent upon lifestyle, psychology and even your emotional state. Crash diets are temporary and targeted for certain time periods. There is not any “miracle” food that will make you lose weight quickly.

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